Become a member at
The Palisades Country Club
Enhance your lifestyle
Golf Memberships
A Golf Membership allows the member to use the Golf Facilities and to attend club-sponsored events held at the Golf Facilities and Main Clubhouse. Golf cart fees and applicable entry fees for tournaments and events shall apply. A Golf Membership also allows the member to use the Sports Facilities and to attend club-sponsored events held at the Sports Facilities. Golf Members shall not be charged court fees for use of the tennis, swimming pool, or fitness room.
Charlotte's Premier Country Club Membership
We offer multiple levels of membership to suit every individual, family or corporation. Membership tours are by appointment only.
Tennis & Social Memberships
A Social Membership allows the member to use the Sports Facilities and to attend club-sponsored events held at the Sports Facilities. Social Members shall not be charged court fees for use of the tennis facilities, swimming pool or fitness room, but shall pay Club Fees and all other fees and charges established from time to time. A Social Membership also allows the member to use the main clubhouse and to attend club-sponsored non-golf events held at the main clubhouse.